Amado Equine Hacienda
Enjoy the journey with your horse
Amado Equine at a Glance
Equine Care
The staff at Amado Equine can confidently provide daily feedings, an on-call veterinarian, and an experienced farrier.
Hours & Location
Open Daily 8 a.m - 5 p.m.
27777 S Nogales Hwy
PO Box 851
Amado, AZ 85645
Pastures, riding amenities, and the expansive space to roam, makes Amado Equine the optimum place for horse boarding.
All Horses Inspected Daily
Owners Live Onsite
Whether you want a place to let a young horse grow up, to retire your old friend, or a facility where you can also enjoy riding your horse, you will find just the right service at Amado Equine.
Give your horse a sense of freedom: At Amado Equine your horse will have a safe place to enjoy living in a herd environment.
We would love to learn more about your horse and what you would like for him in his retirement! We know how important your long-time friend is to you, and we promise to give him the best of care at Amado Equine. Even though you won't be able to see him every day, we will care for him like he is our own!
Our Core Values
To provide a safe space for riders and horses.
Always Looking Ahead
In life and while on the horse
At Amado equine the ultimate goal of our training program is to use positive experiences to build a foundation for horse and rider to perform with confidence and expertise. This creates an atmosphere of success and progress where riders and horses are encouraged to enjoy their work while increasing their skill sets.
Seeking Perfection of the Art of Riding through Deliberate & Conscious Practice.
Become a trusted partner for your horse
Develop a philosophy of fun and connection with horses and riding in any discipline for pleasure, fitness and relaxation
Enjoy the Journey
Each ride gets us closer to our goals
The pursuit of learning to ride is lifelong. Each ride gives the opportunity to grow as riders and individuals. Horses are mirrors to our souls and emotions.
© 2018